This article review by Dr.Dave a Truckee Chiropractor discussed the AMA medical profession and its goal to wipe out chiropractors and other complementary health professionals.

Did you know that the AMA and Pharmaceutical Industry has conspired against the chiropractic profession since the 1950s. This film shows the truth which is against the profession of chiropractic profession.
There is an interesting fact that the United States makes up only 5% of the world’s population, yet we consume over 50 percent of the world’s pharmaceutical drugs. This is a sad statistic of drug consumption. The main focus of this film called, “Doctored” is about the chiropractic profession and the ongoing struggle the profession has in being recognized as genuine health professionals. Crazy to see in the 1980s that DCs were considered quacks.
The supreme Court found the AMA guilty of conspiracy to destroy the chiropractic industry. The current medical system has a goal to brand all competitors to their medical model as ‘quackery’. In 1984 the US Supreme Court found the AMA quilty of this conspiracy to eliminate the chiropractic profession and ordered the AMA to stop its illegal boycott against chiropractors.
The AMA and all conventional medicine, which is controlled and centered around the pharmaceutical companies is completely corrup to the core. The AMA often does more than good in the attempt to protect their business and its ineffectiveness to blocking out safe and effective alternatives and other complementary practices in the health industry.

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